Monday, November 19, 2012


The Cherokees were sucked into the French and Indian War in 1756 and in the Revolutionary War in 1775 by the British Army. They used them to help build forts in the their land to fight against the French and the Indians that were on their side. In the Revolutionary War, the British thought it would be a good idea to use the Cherokees as their advantage once again against the Americans. But, in the midst of the wars, hundreds of Cherokee villages were destroyed and were severely impacted by the wars.Creek war scene

The Cherokee were also involved in the Creek War in 1813 to help the Creek defend their villages against American soldiers from letting them take there land. The Natives lost and 

Cherokee members were also in American Civil War in 1861. Some Cherokee troops joined the Union and others joined the Confederacy. It resulted in a war between factions within the Cherokee Nation. 

Part iv: The Revolutionary War, Cherokee Defeat, and Additional Land Cessions

The Cherokee and the Civil War

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