Sunday, November 18, 2012


When Europeans first came into the southeastern United States where the Cherokee thrived, they were accompanied by disease. This was in 1540 and it is estimated that epidemics wiped out at least 75% of the original native population. In 1674, the Cherokee population totaled about 50,000. After further disease (small pox), the population dropped to about 25,000. The Cherokee suffered more loss, costing them about 25% of their population after their "removal" and The American Civil War.  Today, the Cherokee is the second-largest Indian tribe in the United States with more than 300,000 tribal citizens. Over 70,000 Cherokee reside within a 7,000 square mile geographical area in northeast Oklahoma.
Lee Sultzman, Ken Martin. Cherokee History: Population. Electronic Document. Accessed November 18, 2012

The Cherokee Nation Cultural Resource Center. Our History: What Is the Cherokee Nation Today?. Electronic Document. Accessed November 18, 2012

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